English title of the project: Made to Measure
Project coordinator: Incredibly good institution – FADE IN
Partners: Organization for Workers’ Initiative and Democratization
Duration of the project: 1. 10. 2022. to 30. 9. 2023.
Total value of the project: 88.980,49 € of which €88,980.49 is secured through financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants
Contact for more information: Morana Ikić Komljenović e-mail morana.komljenovic@gmail.com
Links to relevant websites: www.fadein.hr (website of the project coordinator), https://muzejosobnihprica.com/ (Museum of personal stories), Facebook: @fadeinhr @muzejosobnihprica Instagram: @muzej_osobnih_prica

Objavljeni sadržaj se temelji na osobnim iskazima i subjektivnom doživljaju bivših i sadašnjih radnica i ostalih sudionika aktivnosti projekta PO MJERI i ne predstavlja nužno stavove i iskustvo organizacija Fade In i BRID.