
Po mjeri_Ivana Greganić

There was a period in my life when I was committed to my family. I have a family. That’s why I took a break from sewing. I kind of stepped back from it. My husband worked in the police, there was this war and a time when no one really did anything creative. And then when Valentina was born I dedicated my life to her and later, when she was three, I felt like I wanted to do something again. I even tried to get a job at a small, mini factory, which proved to be a bad decision. The salaries were late, nothing was really good… finally it turned out that it was better to stay at home than work, and I like asking children smart questions, no I asked my little daughter: “Valentina, what do you think, what could mama do to make money?” And she gave me this wise reply: “Well, sew!”