Zdenko Čikara

Zdenko is a years-long President of the Serbian Cultural Society “Prosvjeta” in Osijek. He was born in Vršac, graduated from the Faculty of Education, and has lived in Osijek since 1990. For five years, he worked as a travelling salesman of Zepter cookware. Since 1996, he has worked as a 1-4 grade teacher in Viljevo, around 70 kilometres farther away. This is his fourth school and tenth workplace in total. He has accumulated an impressive one million kilometres behind the wheel.
I sometimes say that we “produce people” in a way, since they are mostly formed in lower grades of primary school. They are harder to be formed later on. To be able to work with children, you must have love towards them, plenty of patience, nerves, everything. We live in a time where we, the teachers, raise these children more and more often. Luckily, the children from smaller environments are less demanding than those in larger cities. On the other hand, you don’t have many opportunities in smaller environments, and only the schools provide opportunities over there.

Zdenko’s pendant for the rearview mirror testifies to the long years spent on the road. Since 1996, Zdenko has worked as a 1-4 grade teacher at a primary school in Viljevo; during that time, he has accumulated an impressive one million kilometres behind the wheel.

Between 1994 and 1999, Zdenko worked as a traveling salesman and seller of Zepter cookware. Initially, he worked together with his wife, and when their daughter was born, Zdenko continued to work by himself. Over time, he ceased working as a traveling salesman and turned to his profession, becoming a 1-4 grade teacher at a primary school in Viljevo.