Vladimir Tintor

Vladimir is a television, film, and theatre actor born in Novi Sad. He has lived in Osijek since 2011, where he is a member of the Drama ensemble of the HNK in Osijek.
The house in which I live is located in the industrial district. It’s those duplexes. This is really cute because I’ve moved a lot in my life, and I felt in Osijek for the first time what it means to have good neighbours. … When I began renovating my house, I suddenly realised that I could do a lot with my own two hands. How? … I couldn’t learn that from anyone but my father. Those minor repairs and construction work, I learned that from him just by being next to him while he was building his house near Novi Sad. These are the things which keep me grounded, which take me back to my roots. I’m similar in character to my father, who is a role model of mine just like my mother is, but I’ve become aware of it just now.

“This hammer is really old. It was part of a toolkit that was topnotch at the time. I know my dad really loved it because it was so well made. I remember he taught me to hammer a nail with it. I was afraid I would hit my fingers, so I naïvely did a bunch of small, weak hits so as to reduce the possibility of that happening. Then he told me to focus, to aim, and that two strong solid hits did the job much faster than twenty tiny ones. And that it is only then that I would not hurt myself. I think I eventually took it with me. I think he noticed, but never said a word.”

Exchange of messages on Viber between Vladimir and his father from 3 July and 3 October 2024.