Milan Ivanović

Milan is a retired Doctor of Economics. His field of expertise is energy economics. He authored 28 books. Since 1987, he worked at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek, where in the 1990s it became difficult for him to acquire a higher academic rank.
I’m not a psycho Serb who shouts at every corner “I’m a Serb.” But I also didn’t hide the fact I’m Serbian. And while some of my colleagues retired with a higher rank, they don’t declare themselves as Serbs. I retired in 2010 with a status of scientific researcher, and I’ve led so many projects, written so many papers and books, more than a Full Professor. I retired as a scientific associate, with a lower pension, but I felt proud. I never betrayed myself. I didn’t alienate myself.

The 5.25” floppy disk for data storage with a 1.2 MB capacity. Milan used this floppy disk to store the documentary segments for a survey on war destruction at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek (ETF Osijek).
The survey on war destruction at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek (ETF Osijek) during the war in 1991. ETF Osijek printed the booklet in February of 1992 in a trilingual edition (Croatian, English, and German), in 200 copies. Milan Ivanović coauthored the booklet and is its technical editor.

Milan quit smoking before the war, and when the war started, he returned to his old habit. He smoked two cigarette packs a day, until he switched to the pipe fearing for his lungs. This pipe, which he used in the war years, reminds him today of the difficult period of his life filled with everyday sirens and bombing, as well as the obstacles he experienced in his professional advancement at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.