Authors of the exhibition:
Martina Globočnik and Miroslav Sikavica
Martina Globočnik, Miroslav Sikavica, Karlo Držaić, Bojan Nonković
Camera, editing, sound and image design, additional graphics:
Jasenko Rasol, Tena Trstenjak, Miroslav Sikavica, Suzana Agotić, Dražen
Žerjav and Morana Ikić Komljenović
Graphic design:
Barbara Blasin (Fabrica)
English translation:
Ivana Ostojčić, Morana Ikić Komljenović
Marin Lukanović
Research associate:
Branimir Gavrilović
Zrinoslava Šarac, Ankica Kuić, Ljubica Kujek, Marica Vrkljan
Local associates:
Aleksandra Šutalo, Ivana Mikac, Marija Krstanović
Executive producers:
Suzana Agotić and Morana Ikić Komljenović
Project logo:
Barbara Majnarić
Fade In and BRID, 2023.
Project Manager, Fade In:
Morana Ikić Komljenović
Project coordinator, Fade In:
Suzana Agotić
Project coordinator, BRID:
Bojan Nonković
“Made to Measure” project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund (ACF) and the grant is secured through financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, within the framework of the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants.
Interviews and portraits:
Andrea Kovačević, Anica Dragić, Ivanka Greganić, Julijana Anderluh, Ljiljana Miljković, Martina Kremsner, Milena Cesar, Valentina Greganić, Vera Kilić, Vesna Čatić, Draginja Jakobfi, Jelena Bauer, Katica Vuknić, Ksenija Maltar, Marina Biškić, Milena Majhen, Mirjana Šoštarić , Sibila Danilović, Suzana Jugović and Vaska Petrešin.
Artisan School Osijek, School of Applied Art and Design Osijek, MaMa Multimedia Institute, Požega City Library, City library “Nikola Zrinski” Čakovec, ACT Group, Association of Artisans Osijek, Milena Cesar, Artisan Association Zagreb, Milena Kunčić, Ivica Zanetti, GONG, Studio SONDA, Teo Petričević.
Thank you for your trust and help:
to the family members of the authors of the web exhibition, to all the participants and focus group participants who helped in the research, to the principals Kristina Kopf (School of Applied Art and Design Osijek) and Maja Zorić (Crafts School), pedagogue Zrinka Brzica (Crafts School) and teachers, students Crafts School Osijek and School of Applied Art and Design Osijek who gave us their works for the creation of a mobile exhibition
English title of the project: Made to Measure
Project coordinator: Incredibly good institution – FADE IN
Partners: Organization for Workers’ Initiative and Democratization
Duration of the project: 1. 10. 2022. to 30. 9. 2023.
Total value of the project: 88.980,49 € of which €88,980.49 is secured through financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants
Contact for more information: Morana Ikić Komljenović e-mail morana.komljenovic@gmail.com
Links to relevant websites: www.fadein.hr (website of the project coordinator), https://muzejosobnihprica.com/ (Museum of personal stories), Facebook: @fadeinhr @muzejosobnihprica Instagram: @muzej_osobnih_prica

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